¿Qué guantes, calcetines o bragas de cuello de montaña necesitas para tu próxima aventura de alta montaña? Nuestros embajadores-alpinistas te guiarán.
Why use heated insoles and how to choose them? All the answers you need for a warm winter in your ski boots or hiking boots.
Descubre 'Boost': una tecnología diseñada para que no tengas nunca más las manos frías, ni siquiera a -30 °C, gracias a unos guantes calefactables de altísimo rendimiento.
Los calcetines calefactables más eficaces para el esquí, el senderismo y los deportes de invierno acaban de salir del horno. Descubre esta revolución en la comodidad de los pies.
Descubre todo lo que debes saber sobre las manos frías, la enfermedad de Raynaud y cómo nuestros guantes calefactados ayudan a combatir el frío.
Whether you're skiing, hiking or in the city, heated gilets provide comfort and warmth whatever the temperature and whatever the activity. Choose the one that's best for you!
We are working to reduce our environmental impact. Naturetexx® Plasma & Coolmax® Ecomade are two examples of this approach, helping us to play our part.
"Therm-ic has now created the most comprehensive and best-performing range of sports neck gaiters on the market. Find the best neck gaiter for you here!
Without batteries, heated socks, insoles and gloves won't give you the comfort you're looking for when you're skiing or hiking. That's why these batteries need to be maintained.
What looks like a simple piece of cloth, weighs 50g, doesn't cost much and works miracles? A neck gaiter! Find out how to use it!
There are hundreds of hiking socks. Let us help you choose the best walking socks for you!
Thanks to revolutionary Heat Fusion technology, our heated socks offer 360° heat distribution to your feet and toes.