The heated jacket so you’re never cold again

To be equipped with a heated jacket is to go back to the source of the problem which is the cold. Since 1998, Therm-ic is committed to providing reliable and innovative solutions to protect your feet and hands, these particularly exposed extremities. This year, we decided to act upstream by enhancing our offer with a Bluetooth heated vest.

This innovative and ultra-versatile sleeveless quilted vest, is the promise of optimal body heat regulation regardless of the conditions. Our objective? That the feeling of comfort never leaves you, in spite of the cold weather. Whether during your sport or everyday, whether you are sitting down in the evening, on the terrace of a restaurant or balancing, at dawn, on a mountain ridge.


Fresh snow, sun at the zenith, blue sky, good company... The conditions of a beautiful day of skiing may look good together, a little detail can spoil the party: the cold. That's why at Therm-ic we've been developing gloves, ski boot liners and socks for more than 20 years in order to protect your hands and feet. Because the body’s extremities are the most exposed, the most sensitive and the most painful when the temperature drops... "But protecting the extremities is to answer an already existing problem. Our goal now is to anticipate and prevent the harmful effects of cold" says Marion Bouvier, product manager of the brand. How? "By developing a heated vest over five equally distributed zones." Why? "Since it's the torso that manages all of your heat regulation. If your feet or hands are cold, it is because, mechanically, your body concentrates all its energy to protect your central system, where the vital organs are located."

Jérôme Gasser, Therm-ic's R&D manager, continues: "This is why in 2017, we took the initiative to provide a "full body" thermal comfort solution, even more upstream of those already in place." It took almost two years to develop this heated jacket. A long time that is justified by the desire to offer a fully developed and reliable product, proven by many tests in the field, with the respect of a precise specification: "A sleeveless connected vest, efficient and easy to use, at the same time."


The first element that differentiates the Therm-ic jacket is its versatility. Marion confirms: "We wanted a very versatile jacket, which can be used for sport but also in everyday life." It is true that one can be cold at other times than when playing sports. This vest is not only for mountain climbers, but for all those looking for optimal thermal comfort whatever the conditions: a skier, a photographer who spends his days outside, a courageous employee who goes to the office by bike, or anyone who enjoys a drink on the terrace or a walk on the beach, at sunset, when the breeze rises slightly... The use can be sporty but also lifestyle.

This versatility is found in the way it is possible to wear this jacket, "as a second layer, under a ski jacket for example; or as the outer layer, to go for a walk or work, in the morning..." indicates the initiator of the project. Versatility is reflected finally in the choice of a plain design: "We preferred to leave the eccentricity for the sake of simplicity, reliability and elegance!"


If this jacket is very versatile, a fundamental common point remains, regardless of its use: the benefit of comfort. Jérôme, in charge of the purely technological development of the project, explains: "The vest includes 5 strategically distributed heating zones. These areas are located on the crucial parts of the bust in order to ensure optimal thermal regulation of the body."

Distributing the heat input into 5 differentiated zones also allows for a very homogeneous process and by definition all the more effective. Marion is even enthusiastic about a small detail at the origin of a great added value: "We heat the stomach area but also the pockets to be able to slip in your hands!" In case you forgot your gloves.

The scientist specifies: "The benefit of comfort is not at the expense of the resistance of this vest. Our waterproof jacket remains very powerful even in hostile conditions."


The last feature that makes this jacket a unique piece on the market is its practicality. Marion explains: "We have tried to simplify as much as possible its composition and use."

The practicality of this jacket is then transcribed through 4 elements:

    The battery Powerbank (USB universal charger), very easily interchangeable, offers the opportunity to adapt your choice of battery depending on the use or desired autonomy. Whether you go on a great multi-day hike with several relatively powerful spare batteries or go to work with a smaller and therefore less bulky load.
    This accessibility is reinforced by the ease with which it is possible to charge these batteries, thanks to a universal USB connection, unlike the majority of similar products that require specific hardware.
    Finally, the accessibility of this jacket is extended to its selling price. "Sold at 200 Euros, our product is from this point of view the best placed on the market," says Marion Bouvier.
    Thin and compact, this jacket fits very easily in a bag. Weighing in at 296 g on the scales (model Woman / size M), "it’s so light that we almost forget its presence!" Marion proudly states.
    Above and beyond a self-explanatory operation "on / off" that allows immediate and instant benefit when the cold is threatening, the vest is equipped with Bluetooth connectivity. This gives the possibility to adjust with great accuracy the heat input, according to several levels of heating, via the Therm-ic smartphone application.
    Controlling the heat input according to the conditions at the time also makes it possible to effectively manage the battery life. An autonomy of 5 hours for a maximum use, at full power, which can be pushed back to more than 7 or 8h if the energy released is adjusted based on need.

Ultra-versatile, comfortable and practical, our Therm-ic heated jacket allows you to go further in pleasure or performance, in the city or in the mountains, whatever the cold conditions.